- SARP PHARMACEUTICALS support several development schemes, road passenger amenities, road side greenery, police booths and employee economic development amenities
- SARP PHARMACEUTICALS has been supplying free medicine to medical camps and charitable hospitals.
- We believe that socially responsible products, socially responsible employee relationship and deep commitment to well being of employees is a contribution to Society.
- We believe that God has given us an opportunity to serve Humanity. We are thankful to God. Manufacture of best quality medicines for cure and care of the humanity, is the best service of the society.
- We believe in production of innovative, human friendly and highest quality medicines to serve human beings; rather than direct donation of funds.
- SARP PHARMACEUTICALS has provided employment to around 1500 people. It is not employment of people; 1500 families thrive with such employment.
- SARP PHARMACEUTICALS has provided transport facilities, partly free & partly subsidized food facilities to its employees.
Therefore, SARP knows “CAREERS” as “LAUNCHING PEOPLE” !